What has made America unique? What has made the U.S. any different from any other country in the entire world?
Our freedom. Much like Ancient Greece, we were forerunners of new thought in how our politics worked and how people who were oppressed by and tired of their government rose up and started a new life for themselves, their children, and the generations that followed.
We are now at a time where these freedoms and rights that made us unique and special, and laid out a road map for countries wanting to follow suit, are being taken away, one by one.
Whether it's in the name of security or "patriotism," it is a travesty that we are allowing this to happen.
What brought this subject up for me to blog about after a brief hiatus?
This Article:
“Sacrificing liberty for security is tyranny”.
It is also unconstitutional.
The federal government tells us that they are making us more secure, but that is only half true. While protecting us from foreign threats, their security methods make us less secure…from them. Tyranny, terrorism, and danger are the same whether the threat is from Al Qaeda or the Transportation Security Agency, from Islamic extremism or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
Tyranny is tyranny. Terrorism is terrorism. Danger is danger, regardless of the source.
And lost liberty is lost liberty, regardless of who it is lost to…a foreign terrorist or a domestic bureaucracy.
TSA – Liberty Lost
In Santa Fe, New Mexico a judge orders that security pat-down at a high school prom…a PROM for God’s sake!…be supervised by the TSA. The TRANSPOPRTATION Security Administration. Talk about mission creep…what does a prom have to do with transportation or national security?
Just move along, folks. Nothing to see here.
TSA – Liberty lost, take 2
The Transportation Security Administration is under Janet Napolitano, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. The TSA is in existence in answer to a perceived threat to the United States by terrorists entering this country for the purpose of doing us harm, or so the program was sold to the American people.
Like most government agencies, once given a bit of power the TSA continually reaches for more. Secretary Napolitano has stated her intent to expand the powers of the TSA to include oversight of security on trains (including Amtrak and subway lines) and even over automobile traffic on the nation’s highways, leaving open the possibility of random “security checks” of people traveling up and down the highways just as states do now by setting up DUI checkpoints.
Just move along, folks. Nothing to see here.
TSA – Liberty lost, take 3
Not content to having the Transportation Security Administration oversee security of transportation, Secretary Napolitano has stated that she envisions the TSA having the same authority it now has in airports extended to malls, hotels, and large public gatherings such as sporting events in stadiums.
Just move along, folks. Nothing to see here.
TSA- Liberty lost, take 4
In its attempt to fulfill its unconstitutional mandate to give us security at all costs, regardless of the loss of liberty and the ignoring of constitutional protections, the TSA proves to be woefully inept due to political correctness.
Congressman Paul Broun of the 10th congressional district in Georgia recounts his observation of the uselessness of the TSA’s methods here recently observed while on a trip. After passing through TSA security himself, he observed the TSA agent doing a pat-down on an elderly lady behind him, then on a young child behind her, then giving a pass to a young adult male that was Middle Eastern in appearance and wearing “Arab style” garb.
Just move along, folks. Nothing to see here.
TSA – Liberty lost, take 5
This past weekend the Transportation Security Administration once again took action against private enterprise that had absolutely nothing to do with either transportation or security. Without due process they seized and shut down seven websites for allegedly, not proven, selling of counterfeit merchandise and allowing for unauthorized downloading of intellectual property. The web sites seized were:
• Re1ease.netWatchnewfilms.com
• Dvdcollectionsale.com
• Dvdscollection.com
• Dvdsetsonline.com
• Newstylerolex.com
• Mygolfaccessory.com
It is hard to see “www.mygolfaccessory.com" being a threat to either our transportation system or our national security.
Just move along, folks. Nothing to see here.
TSA – Liberty lost, take 6
When a state tries to assert its rights, protecting its citizens when either the Feds won’t OR when the Feds are the offending entity…remember the 10th amendment, the thorn in the side of the federal government?…the Federal government resorts to Mafia-like intimidation methods, more appropriate for a criminal enterprise than for a government that is supposed to follow the constitution.
The legislature in Texas, in response to the TSA’s insistence on committing sexual assault under the guise of security pat-downs, was debating a bill (HB 1937) that would make it a felony to “touch the anus, sexual organ, buttocks, or breast of another person, including through clothing; or touch the other person in a manner that would be offensive to a reasonable person.” In other words, it would be a felony if you touch my junk.
The TSA responded in typical criminal enterprise coercive style. In a letter to Texas lawmakers the Justice department warned that:
If HR 1937 were enacted, the federal government would likely seek an emergency stay of the statute,
The letter continued:
Unless or until such a stay were granted, TSA would likely be required to cancel any flight or a series of flights for which it could not ensure the safety of the passengers and crew.
So, the TSA considers using economic oppression, threatening the financial well-being of hundreds of Texas businesses, to be appropriate tactics to use against a state and its citizens for asserting their right to not be molested.
Just move along, folks. Nothing to see here.
The Federal government tells us they intend to give us security, to protect us, to take care of us.
What they don’t tell us is that they intend to take our liberty, and that they don’t want to protect us from our greatest threat, a threat that our founding fathers saw all too clearly…
Our own government.
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