Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Searching for answers, and not afraid of the questions.

Recently, I've been trying to educate myself and find answers to questions about our way of life and everything that affects it.

I've been watching documentaries lately that some people in America would categorize as "leftist" or "liberal" or "democratic", etc. etc.

Let me get one thing straight. I am not a Democrat. I am also not a Republican. I am not an Independent. I am not a member of Communist, Socialist, Fascist, Libertarian, Green, Moderate, or other such parties. I am party-less. I refuse any longer to be sucked into this childish regime of a 2 party system that fights over who has control instead of solving any real issue.

Anything I say here is because I care for myself, my husband, my family, my friends, their friends, the people of the world, our future, our children, our flora and our fauna. It's not because I'm a hippie. It's not because I want world peace. It's because I am truly concerned with the atrocities being committed against us as a nation in the name of peace and in the name of well being. We depend too much on others to take care of our needs for us. It is now that we need to begin again with re-educating ourselves, and educating our children in the very basics of how to take care of ourselves.

A few topics I'll cover in this blog:

1. America's Government and the Facade of "Protection"
2. The Health System and the Blind Acceptance of Drugs & Surgery
3. The Food Industry and the Ignorance of The Origins of Modern Food
4. The Car Industry and Why We Still Depend On Oil
5. The American Dollar and Its Failure

Now with these topics being opened, I do not claim to know anything about anything. I am merely a 30 year old who wants answers to questions. My personal views will not always jive with yours as is expected. We are all different people, but in the end, most of us will agree on this:  we love living life to the fullest, we love having freedom (real freedom), and we want the best for our future generations. If we can all agree on those three things, I believe we can eventually come together and stand up. If we don't do it now, when are we going to do this? Are we going to wait until we have no wiggle room at all? Why wait? Why not solve problems that plague us now? What is the hold up?

If you would like to follow me, book mark this blog. I'll also be posting links to this on my own social networking sites. For now I keep those fairly private so if you aren't already a part of those networks, you will just need to read here.

Comments are welcome.

Trolling is not.

Please be respectful and think about what you say before you say it.

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